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Spinner Chief doesnt seem to have a lot of German basic words

ReplyThanks 2017/04/28 17:59:51 0 0

Hello, i′m trying very hard to spin a good text but spinner chief got almost no synonyms and if its got some it is for unimportant fillwords.

Am i doing something wrong, is there a addidtional source for german words? because the cloud doesnt do its job for germans.

THanks for you support.

2017/04/29 14:40:32

Which thesaurus did you use?

How did you set your task settings?

Are you using the free version or paid version?

2017/04/29 17:31:01

Goog Morning

Cloud thesaurus in german

what do you mean by task settings?

i used super spin from unque to best readable. everything was unreadable

i use the ultimate version

thank you

2017/04/29 17:34:50

Kindly understand what you mean. I already added this one to our work list.

If there is really problem. The programmer will fix and update it asap. Please wait for the update.

It is International Labour Day, and we will work until on May 2, 2017. So sorry for the inconvenience.

Happy International Labour Day!!!

2017/04/29 17:39:21
same to youwhat exactly will change for german users? is there some different free thesaurus i could upload
2017/04/29 17:50:23
Adding more basic words for the German thesaurus.

Currently there is no free thesaurus to upload. But you can create your own thesaurus, then upload it to SpinnerChief to use.

SpinnerChief 5 is available to add synonymous for the Cloud Thesaurus. So you can add your own words to the thesaurus.

And will release it in next week. Please wait for the news.
2017/04/30 01:38:59

Why is no german thesaurus file working? I bought one and it says "wrong file" . even the free ones cannot be loaded

bought it here http://thesaurus.spinnerchief.com/

2017/05/02 15:42:18

Hi, i already added this to our work list.

Our programmers will check it first, then will reply to you asap. Please wait for a moment.

So sorry for the inconvenience.

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